Full Set Study Copy (11” x 17”)                     _____                               $15.00 plus shipping & tax
Not to scale.  Includes all sheets in a stock set of plans.  May be used for builder’s estimates and for review by your neighborhood’s Architectural Review Board.  Not usable as a licensed set of plans.
Stock Plans on CD (AutoCad 2000) with One-Time License to Modify____ $1,400.00 plus shipping & tax
NOTE:  J. Hilton Googe Design Group does not guarantee any changes made to stock plan AutoCAD files outside our office.  Please make sure the designer who works on your plan is qualified to do so and has a complete understanding of the building codes required in your area.  Also, in order to comply with copyright law, the HGDG logo should be removed and this statement applied to each plan page:  “This is a modification of a copyrighted plan by J. Hilton Googe Design Group.”  The designer may then use his own logo on your changed plans.
Construction Print Package with License (Recommended)           ___         $2,000.00 per license
NOTE:  Price includes $600 South Carolina engineer stamp to comply with the International Residential Building Code.  Includes eight (8) complete sets of working drawings with custom specifications.  A material listing of the quantity of component parts can be provided by the builder or lumber yard.
Individual License Without Engineering Review or Specifications  (Your builder will be required to provide the specs.)
Stock Plans
Stock Plans
Stock Plans
Up to 2499 sq. ft.
2500 to 3499 sq. ft.  
3500 sq. ft. and larger
License Fee and First Set of Prints




Extra Sets at the Time of Printing




EXAMPLE: Five Sets w/One License




        Eight Sets w/One License




South Carolina Engineer Seal                                                    _            $600.00 per Lot
Our contract engineer will review stock plans for structural integrity and building code approval.
Engineered for South Carolina Energy Code (Res Check form & Manual J)         $200.00 per Lot
Custom Site Plan                            _____                                             $225.00 or $75.00 per hour
A tree survey should be provided by the builder or client.  Customized site plans for subdivision lots are $225, but the charge is $75 per hour to draw a site plan for any acreage/tract.
Full Mirror Prints                                          __                                      $225.00 plus regular printing package
Reverse prints, or full mirror prints, can be replotted with all the numbers and lettering in a readable format.
Stock Plan Modifications                                                                        $75.00 per hour
NOTE:  Clients or builders must first purchase either the construction print package or individual license.  HGDG will provide one full copy of plans to be marked up in the owners’ presence with all requested changes.  After the changes have been confirmed, HGDG will provide a contract that stipulates the number of hours needed to complete the plan modifications.  At that point, a $1,000 deposit and signed contract are required to start the process.
Custom Home Designs                                      _____                           A TOTAL PRICE WILL BE QUOTED IN ADVANCE OF SIGNING A CONTRACT
Total space includes garage, room over garage, basement, and covered porches.  Custom design pricing includes eight (8) full sets of prints and custom specifications.  The client will have several opportunities to review the sketches and get a full construction estimate from builders before plans are completed.  Additional copies may be purchased from the extra set price list.  The new plans are the property of J. Hilton Googe Design Group unless otherwise detailed in the project contract.  A deposit of $1,000 and a signed contract is required to start the process.
Shipping Fees for Plan Books, Study Copies, CDs, and Full Sets of Plans  (non-refundable)
11”x17” Study Copy   $8.00
Letter paper-sized HGDG Plan Book $10.00
UPS Ground $30.00
Refund Policy  Plans or Electronic files Cannot be refunded or exchanged under any circumstances. We recommend purchasing a full study copy prior to purchasing plans or electronic CAD files.
Credit Card Purchases  We accept orders using Visa, MasterCard, and Discover